Jun 22, 2008

7 1/2 Habits for Lifelong Learning

Now for the hardest habit: accept responsibility for my own learning. Yes, it's the same one. The hard part about it is sticking to the path and following all the way through. For instance, I wanted to podcast, and so I learned about podcasting, figured out how to podcast using a PC, and created a couple of episodes. I have taught podcasting workshops and help others get started. But how many episodes have I actually published to the web? Less than 5 in over a year... Finding time to learn new skills is not the problem. I MAKE time for that. But once I've figured it out, the new skill goes into this long queue of things I do in my spare time. I do realize that I only have a limited amount of spare time, but I don't prioritize that time like I should. I look back after a month's time to see that I haven't spent time on some things I really intended to. I have downloaded the learning contract and realize that the chart with the tasks and target dates might help me.

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