Jan 15, 2010

Study Shows No Evidence that Saturated Fat Causes Heart Disease

Stephan Guyenet who writes the Whole Health Source Blog posted a link to an interesting study on his blog today. Dr. Ronald Krauss' study found that "there is no significant evidence for concluding that dietary saturated fat is associated with an increased risk of CHD or CVD." It is so amazing to me that after all these years, it seems that Dr. Atkins was correct in asking people to cut out carbs and eat more meat.
I was one of the nay-sayers who couldn't believe that THE Food Pyramid could be wrong. It was, after all, based on research, right? I am reading Gary Taubes book Good Calories, Bad Calories, and I'm beginning to see that I haven't been so noble after all, denying myself meat and eating pasta, bread (whole grain, of course). My husband and I have adopted a moderate version of an Atkins diet, and we have been surprised at how much better we feel while taking off pounds over the last year. I would recommend Taube's book to everyone

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